Who doesn't want glowing, vibrant, and younger looking skin? Everyone aspires to have a healthy and blemish-free skin. Still, many of us find our skin to be quite impossible to manage especially when you wake up and find a huge zit on your nose or a cold sore at the corner of your mouth. The good news is that there are ways to prevent and treat common skin problems by checking in the food we take.
Did you know that dry skin during the summer might easily be remedied with a handful of nuts? We have all heard the old saying, we are what we eat. Often we ignore how our diets affect problems, such hair loss or oily skin. Most experts say eating a balanced diet is the best way to get your share of good food for healthy skin. Still, a number of specific food can be consumed to bring back the healthy glow to your skin.
Probably one of the most important components of skin health is Vitamin A. One can get it from low-fat dairy products. In fact, experts say that the health of our skin cells is dependent on dietary Vitamin A. Low-fat yogurt is also “good skin food” since it is high in Vitamin A and acidophilus, the “live” bacteria that is good for intestinal health.
Aside from milk and yoghurt, fruits and berries are also good for the skin. Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums have a lot of antioxidants and phytochemicals that protects the cell from damage that can be harmful to the skin. Other fruits and vegetables with a “high antioxidant capacity” include artichokes, beans (the study cited black, red, and pinto), prunes, and pecans. Salmon, walnuts, canola oil, and flax seed all deliver essential fatty acids, and thus are key foods for healthy skin.
The best-known essential fatty acids are Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are healthy ingredients that must be part of our daily diet. Though we all seem to get enough Omega-6, fish, walnut, and flax seed oil are among the best sources.
Eating good-quality oils helps keep skin lubricated and keeps it looking and feeling healthier overall. However, only those that are labeled cold pressed, expeller processed, or extra virgin are the ones to look for. Since any fat, even a healthy one, is high in calories, experts remind us that we don't need more than about two tablespoons a day.
Whole-wheat bread, muffins, and cereals; turkey, tuna, and brazil nuts are mineral selenium which connects all these foods for healthy skin. Experts say selenium plays a key role in the health of skin cells. Some studies show that even skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer consequences if selenium levels are high.
Some beverages like Green Tea also possess beneficial properties that are good for the skin. This drink deserves a category all its own in any article about food for healthy skin. The skin-health properties of Green Tea are amazing. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and it protects the cell membrane. It may even help prevent or reduce the risk of skin cancer.
While the exact amount you should drink each day varies, no one disputes the role good hydration plays in keeping skin looking healthy and even young. When that hydration comes from pure, clean water, (not liquids such as soda or even soup) experts say that skin cells actually “rejoice” since the fluid helps flush out toxins and impurities from the body. When we're properly hydrated, we also sweat more efficiently. Doing so helps keep skin clean and clear as well.
Everything we eat becomes a part of not only our inner being, but the outer fabric of our body as well. No skin care solutions or treatments can replace having a healthy diet. The healthier the food we consume, the less stress we feel, and the better our skin will look.
TAGS : Good Skin
June 9, 2023
June 8, 2023