Students in the sixth grade take an entrance exam for entry into a selective public high school in the following academic year. The exam in New South Wales assesses not only English and mathematics knowledge but also "thinking skills" (mostly based on logical reasoning). The competition for spots is fierce. Many parents see their children's enrollment in a selective high school as a strategy to ensure their children will do well on statewide standardized tests. NSW Practice Tests are not as easy as you think.
Only the most talented kids are accepted into exclusive schools:
What about alternate entry points?
More pupils from different socioeconomic backgrounds would be admitted to elite schools if more methods were used to identify them (beyond the application). Having elementary schools recommend individuals they believe are gifted or have great potential could be one solution. After all, there will always be a subset of low-income households that will only think to apply if they study for the required exams.
Data for Evaluation:
The 2021 version of the Selective High School Placement Test will be used for the 2022 school year. The new exam places a heavier premium on critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving. It also modifies the relative importance of test questions requiring mathematical, linguistic, and cognitive abilities.
When taking a selective exam, what strategies have proven successful?
The exam proctor will show you the ropes before the test begins, showing you things like how to take notes. Use the provided answer sheet when taking exams with multiple-choice questions. If you change your mind about an answer, cross it out completely and circle the new one.