Tuesday, January 14, 2025

July 20, 2021

Steroids In Sports Are Illegal & Unethical


Sports have become highly competitive activities nowadays. Some bodybuilders, sports persons, and athletes just target to win the athletic competitions. So, they do not hesitate to use anabolic steroids in sports and athletics to increase their performance.

Despite the evidence that steroids have physical harms and side effects, these drugs are often used in sports and athletics. Commonly referred as roids, juice, pump, or hype, the anabolic steroids are strong prescription drugs that bodybuilders, sports persons, and athletes use for enhancing their athletic performance.

‘Anabolic’ means the body building tissue. Anabolic steroids assist in building the muscle tissues and to enhance athlete’s performance. However, these steroids cannot revolutionize the dexterity or ability of the athlete. The athletes’ abilities are determined by several factors, such as genetics, age, body size, sex, diet and how hard the athlete trains. Derivatives of the testosterone, Anabolic steroids have profound effects on the levels of hormone of both male and female abusers.

Anabolic steroids influence to enhance the athletic abilities of athletes. There are many types of anabolic, with a variety of combinations of anabolic and androgenic properties. The International Olympics Committee has incorporated 17 steroids and related compounds in its banned list. The use of Steroids in any form has been banned by many sports associations, such as National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), national Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), FIFA, ICC, and the Olympics. There are a number of instances when international sports personalities were stripped off their medals or were made to surrender their titles because of the use of these illegal drugs.

The usage of steroids in sports/bodybuilding completely stands illegal. The users of steroids in sports acquire these drugs thru illicit and illegal ways. However, the use of Anabolic steroids in sports has degenerating consequences in sports. Often the sports persons using steroids in sports are short tempered and rude. Often these sports persons spoil and degrade the spirit of sports.

There has been no study supporting anabolic steroids improving performance. There are only a few sports persons who claim that these substances help in recovery from accidental injuries, but no hard data exists to support the claim. So, the usage of steroids in sports is illegal and unethical as well.